CMS modules/Plugins
ThemeHouse - Nodes v1.1.1 - XenForo 2 Add-on
ThemeHouse - Nodes v1.1.1 - XenForo 2 Add-on DEMO Add dimension, quality, and allure to the display of your forum list, and stand out from your competition....
CMS modules/Plugins
ThemeHouse - UI.X 2 Add-on v2.2.0 Patch Level 1 - XenForo 2 Add-on
ThemeHouse - UI.X 2 Add-on v2.2.0 Patch Level 1 - XenForo 2 Add-on DEMO This add-on serves as the foundation for our XenForo theme product-line. It is the...
CMS modules/Plugins
Ultimate Custom Nodes v2.0.7.1 - XenForo 2.x Add-On
Ultimate Custom Nodes v2.0.7.1 - XenForo 2.x Add-On...
CMS modules/Plugins
AddonFlare - (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats v1.7.0 - XenForo 2.x Add-Ons
AddonFlare - (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats v1.7.0 - XenForo 2.x Add-Ons...
CMS modules/Plugins
Similar threads v5.2 - XenForo 2.x Add-On
Similar threads v5.2 - XenForo 2.x Add-On...
CMS modules/Plugins
Shoutbox by Siropu v1.5.7 - XenForo 2.x Add-On
Shoutbox by Siropu v1.5.7 - XenForo 2.x Add-On DEMO This is a shoutbox widget that you can add in any of the available widget positions. Options: Minimum age...
CMS modules/Plugins
ThemeHouse - Holidays v2.1.0 - XenForo 2.x Add-On
ThemeHouse - Holidays v2.1.0 - XenForo 2.x Add-On...
CMS modules/Plugins
Ultimate Custom Nodes v2.0.5 - XenForo 2.x Add-On
Ultimate Custom Nodes v2.0.5 - XenForo 2.x Add-On...