dForce Mistress Malefica Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) with Poses and Scepter
If you like your royalty wicked and powerful, then buckle up Princess Buttercup... Its time to get med-evil.Inspired by the Evil Queens and Sorceresses we all know and love (to hate), this outfit offers a unique balance of wickedry, fantasy, sexy and medieval elements to give you a memorable dress fit for a powerful tyrant. But if evil is not your taste, well... you can use it strictly for medieval renders too. It has the unique ability to work on a more neutral level, via the omission of more evil parts.
7 unique texture sets are included, which loosely correspond to the 7 deadly sins. Each texture included capitalizes on its theme, from color to decoration. How you spin their unique powers and wardrobe is entirely up to you!
And you have the power to make the outfit work different ways, besides, as it was built to kitbash. This whittles down to the scantiest bikini and runs the gamut to the full bejeweled load. You can turn off individual cloths on the skirt, to tailor it specifically to your needs.
This fantastical garb also gives you dForce Power! It is rigged for traditional posing as all my sets have always been, but is also dForce compliant.
Also included is an evil scepter. There are two versions of the scepter, the first boasting a serpent's eye. An alternate version will give you a magic orb instead of a snake's eye (for a less evil vibe)
Along with the scepter are included poses, half which are magic casting styled poses and the other half which work with the scepter. All of them also control the cloth movements on the outfit, and movements on the hair should you own that set (but it is not required to own it, to use the poses)
For more details to get the best use from this set, refer to the PDF included. This will also show you how to control dForce poke through, using a push modifier that's been saved on each item.
Please note: The hair, headdress and hair decorations shown in the promos are sold separately in Mistress Malefica Hair
What's Included and Features
- dForce Mistress Malefica Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) with Poses and Scepter (.DUF)
- Full Wearable Preset
- Bodysuit
- Bodysuit-AbdomenLowerOut
- Bodysuit-AbdomenUpperOut
- Bodysuit-BackLowerLOut
- Bodysuit-BackLowerMidOut
- Bodysuit-BackLowerROut
- Bodysuit-BackMiddleCenterOut
- Bodysuit-BackMiddleLOut
- Bodysuit-BackMiddleROut
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidLOut
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidOut
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidROut
- Bodysuit-ChestFrontOut
- Bodysuit-HipFrontLOut
- Bodysuit-HipFrontROut
- Bodysuit-LBreastOut
- Bodysuit-LBreastTopOut
- Bodysuit-LHipOut
- Bodysuit-LRibOut
- Bodysuit-LSideLowerOut
- Bodysuit-LSideMidOut
- Bodysuit-LSideUpperOut
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesLOut
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesOut
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesROut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistLOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistROut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWider
- Bodysuit-PantyCrotchOut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontLOut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontOut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontROut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontWider
- Bodysuit-PantyLowerFrontOut
- Bodysuit-RBreastOut
- Bodysuit-RBreastTopOut
- Bodysuit-RHipOut
- Bodysuit-RRibOut
- Bodysuit-RSideLowerOut
- Bodysuit-RSideMidOut
- Bodysuit-RSideUpperOut
- Bodysuit-StrapTopLOut
- Bodysuit-StrapTopROut
- Cape
- Adj For Hair - Flatten Front
- Adj For Hair - Widen Front
- Bloat-CapeClothL
- Bloat-CapeClothMid
- Bloat-CapeClothR
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesLOut
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesOut
- Bodysuit-NeckTiesROut
- Bodysuit-StrapTopLOut
- Bodysuit-StrapTopROut
- CapeCollar-BackHigh
- CapeCollar-BackOut
- CapeCollar-BillowAll
- CapeCollar-CosmicWitch
- CapeCollar-FlattenAll
- CapeCollar-LOut
- CapeCollar-ROut
- CapeCollar-RoyalFlush
- CapeCollar-RoyalPain
- CapeCollar-TriumverateHigh
- CapeCollar-Wilted
- CapeNecklace-BackLOut
- CapeNecklace-BackLUp
- CapeNecklace-BackOut
- CapeNecklace-BackROut
- CapeNecklace-BackRUp
- CapeNecklace-BackUp
- CapeNecklace-FrontLOut
- CapeNecklace-FrontLUp
- CapeNecklace-FrontOut
- CapeNecklace-FrontROut
- CapeNecklace-FrontRUp
- CapeNecklace-LRingOut
- CapeNecklace-LShldrUp
- CapeNecklace-LSideOut
- CapeNecklace-MidRingOut
- CapeNecklace-RRingOut
- CapeNecklace-RShldrUp
- CapeNecklace-RSideOut
- Empire Skirt
- Bloat-Back L Cloth
- Bloat-Back R Cloth
- Bloat-Front L Cloth
- Bloat-Front R Cloth
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidLOut
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidOut
- Bodysuit-BackUpperMidROut
- Bodysuit-ChestFrontOut
- Bodysuit-LBreastOut
- Bodysuit-LRibOut
- Bodysuit-LSideUpperOut
- Bodysuit-RBreastOut
- Bodysuit-RRibOut
- Bodysuit-RSideUpperOut
- ChestBackLOut
- ChestBackOut
- ChestBackROut
- ChestFrontOut LChestFrontOut
- LSideOut
- PBMBreastsSize
- PBMGlutesSize
- PBMThighsSize
- PBMWaistWidth
- RChestFrontOut
- RSideOut
- Underbelt - Back Center Down
- Underbelt - Back Center Out
- Underbelt - Back Center Up
- Underbelt - Back L Side Down
- Underbelt - Back L Side Out
- Underbelt - Back L Side Up
- Underbelt - Back R Side Down
- Underbelt - Back R Side Out
- Underbelt - Back R Side Up
- Underbelt - Front Center Down
- Underbelt - Front Center Out
- Underbelt - Front Center Up
- Underbelt - Front L Down
- Underbelt - Front L Out
- Underbelt - Front L Up
- Underbelt - Front R Down
- Underbelt - Front R Out
- Underbelt - Front R Up
- Underbelt - L Side Down
- Underbelt - L Side Out
- Underbelt - L Side Up
- Underbelt - R Side Down
- Underbelt - R Side Out
- Underbelt - R Side Up
- Shoes
- LAnkle-BackOut
- LAnkle-FrontStrapOut
- LAnkle-InnerOut
- LAnkle-OuterOut
- LBigToe-StrapOut
- LBigToe-StrapSideOut
- LFoot-BackOut
- LFoot-FrontLowerStrapOut
- LFoot-FrontUpperStrapOut
- LFoot-InnerOut
- LFoot-OuterOut
- LKnee-BackLowerOut
- LKnee-BackUpperOut
- LKnee-FrontLowerStrapOut
- LKnee-FrontUpperStrapOut
- LKnee-InnerUpperOut
- LKnee-OuterUpperOut
- LLeg Ties - Bend 90
- LShin-BackLowerOut
- LShin-BackMidOut
- LShin-BackUpperOut
- LShin-FrontLowerStrapOut
- LShin-FrontMidStrapOut
- LShin-FrontUpperStrapOut
- LShin-InnerLowerOut
- LShin-InnerMidOut
- LShin-InnerUpperOut
- LShin-OuterLowerOut
- LShin-OuterMidOut
- LShin-OuterUpperOut
- LShoe-WiderSole
- LToes-StrapOut
- LToes-StrapSideOut
- RAnkle-BackOut
- RAnkle-FrontStrapOut
- RAnkle-InnerOut
- RAnkle-OuterOut
- RBigToe-StrapOut
- RBigToe-StrapSideOut
- RFoot-BackOut
- RFoot-FrontLowerStrapOut
- RFoot-FrontUpperStrapOut
- RFoot-InnerOut
- RFoot-OuterOut
- RKnee-BackLowerOut
- RKnee-BackUpperOut
- RKnee-FrontLowerStrapOut
- RKnee-FrontUpperStrapOut
- RKnee-InnerUpperOut
- RKnee-OuterUpperOut
- RLeg Ties - Bend 90
- RShin-BackLowerOut
- RShin-BackMidOut
- RShin-BackUpperOut
- RShin-FrontLowerStrapOut
- RShin-FrontMidStrapOut
- RShin-FrontUpperStrapOut
- RShin-InnerLowerOut
- RShin-InnerMidOut
- RShin-InnerUpperOut
- RShin-OuterLowerOut
- RShin-OuterMidOut
- RShin-OuterUpperOut
- RShoe-WiderSole
- RToes-StrapOut
- RToes-StrapSideOut
- Skirt
- BackWaistLOut
- BackWaistOut
- BackWaistROut
- Bloat-Cloth1
- Bloat-Cloth2
- Bloat-Cloth3
- Bloat-Cloth4
- Bloat-Cloth5
- Bloat-Cloth6
- Bloat-Cloth7
- Bloat-Cloth8
- Bodysuit-LHipOut
- Bodysuit-LSideLowerOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistLOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistOut
- Bodysuit-PantyBackWaistROut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontLOut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontOut
- Bodysuit-PantyFrontROut
- Bodysuit-RHipOut
- FULL - Sit 90{2A}
- FULL - Split
- FrontWaistLOut
- FrontWaistOut
- FrontWaistROut
- HipLOut
- HipROut
- Left Thigh Bend Fwd
- Left Thigh Bend Left
- Right Thigh Bend Fwd
- Right Thigh Bend Right
- Ring1Out
- Ring2Out
- Ring3Out
- Ring4Out
- Ring5Out
- Ring6Out
- Ring7Out
- Ring8Out
- Sleeves
- Bloat Bell Sleeves L
- Bloat Bell Sleeves R
- LSleeve-LowerCuffBackOut
- LSleeve-LowerCuffFrontOut
- LSleeve-LowerCuffInnerOut
- LSleeve-LowerCuffOuterOut
- LSleeve-LowerForearmBackOut
- LSleeve-LowerForearmFrontOut
- LSleeve-LowerForearmOuterOut
- LSleeve-LowerTightSleeveUnderOut
- LSleeve-MeshLowerBackOut
- LSleeve-MeshLowerFrontOut
- LSleeve-MeshLowerInnerOut
- LSleeve-MeshLowerOuterOut
- LSleeve-MeshUpperBackOut
- LSleeve-MeshUpperFrontOut
- LSleeve-MeshUpperInnerOut
- LSleeve-MeshUpperOuterOut
- LSleeve-TightSleeveUnderOut
- LSleeve-TightSleeveWristUnderOut
- LSleeve-UpperCuffBackOut
- LSleeve-UpperCuffFrontOut
- LSleeve-UpperCuffInnerOut
- LSleeve-UpperCuffOuterOut
- LSleeve-UpperForearmBackOut
- LSleeve-UpperForearmFrontOut
- LSleeve-UpperForearmInnerOut
- LSleeve-UpperForearmOuterOut
- LSleeve-WristBackOut
- LSleeve-WristFrontOut
- LSleeve-WristTopOut
- RSleeve-LowerCuffBackOut
- RSleeve-LowerCuffFrontOut
- RSleeve-LowerCuffInnerOut
- RSleeve-LowerCuffOuterOut
- RSleeve-LowerForearmBackOut
- RSleeve-LowerForearmFrontOut
- RSleeve-LowerForearmOuterOut
- RSleeve-LowerTightSleeveUnderOut
- RSleeve-MeshLowerBackOut
- RSleeve-MeshLowerFrontOut
- RSleeve-MeshLowerInnerOut
- RSleeve-MeshLowerOuterOut
- RSleeve-MeshUpperBackOut
- RSleeve-MeshUpperFrontOut
- RSleeve-MeshUpperInnerOut
- RSleeve-MeshUpperOuterOut
- RSleeve-TightSleeveUnderOut
- RSleeve-TightSleeveWristUnderOut
- RSleeve-UpperCuffBackOut
- RSleeve-UpperCuffFrontOut
- RSleeve-UpperCuffInnerOut
- RSleeve-UpperCuffOuterOut
- RSleeve-UpperForearmBackOut
- RSleeve-UpperForearmFrontOut
- RSleeve-UpperForearmInnerOut
- RSleeve-UpperForearmOuterOut
- RSleeve-WristBackOut
- RSleeve-WristFrontOut
- RSleeve-WristTopOut
- Claws
- All Claws Longer
- L Hand - Claws Longer
- L1Thumb-ChainOut
- L1Thumb-Phal1FiligreeOut
- L1Thumb-Phal1InnerOut
- L1Thumb-Phal1OuterOut
- L1Thumb-Phal1UnderOut
- L1Thumb-Phal1UpperOut
- L1Thumb-Phal2InnerOut
- L1Thumb-Phal2OuterOut
- L1Thumb-Phal2UnderOut
- L1Thumb-Phal2UpperOut
- L2Index-Phal1ChainOut
- L2Index-Phal1FiligreeOut
- L2Index-Phal1InnerOut
- L2Index-Phal1OuterOut
- L2Index-Phal1UnderOut
- L2Index-Phal1UpperOut
- L2Index-Phal2ChainOut
- L2Index-Phal2FiligreeOut
- L2Index-Phal2InnerOut
- L2Index-Phal2OuterOut
- L2Index-Phal2UnderOut
- L2Index-Phal2UpperOut
- L2Index-Phal3FiligreeOut
- L2Index-Phal3InnerOut
- L2Index-Phal3OuterOut
- L2Index-Phal3UnderOut
- L2Index-Phal3UpperOut
- L3Middle-Phal1ChainOut
- L3Middle-Phal1FiligreeOut
- L3Middle-Phal1InnerOut
- L3Middle-Phal1OuterOut
- L3Middle-Phal1UnderOut
- L3Middle-Phal1UpperOut
- L3Middle-Phal2ChainOut
- L3Middle-Phal2FiligreeOut
- L3Middle-Phal2InnerOut
- L3Middle-Phal2OuterOut
- L3Middle-Phal2UnderOut
- L3Middle-Phal2UpperOut
- L3Middle-Phal3FiligreeOut
- L3Middle-Phal3InnerOut
- L3Middle-Phal3OuterOut
- L3Middle-Phal3UnderOut
- L3Middle-Phal3UpperOut
- L4Ring-Phal1ChainOut
- L4Ring-Phal1FiligreeOut
- L4Ring-Phal1InnerOut
- L4Ring-Phal1OuterOut
- L4Ring-Phal1UnderOut
- L4Ring-Phal1UpperOut
- L4Ring-Phal2ChainOut
- L4Ring-Phal2FiligreeOut
- L4Ring-Phal2InnerOut
- L4Ring-Phal2OuterOut
- L4Ring-Phal2UnderOut
- L4Ring-Phal2UpperOut
- L4Ring-Phal3FiligreeOut
- L4Ring-Phal3InnerOut
- L4Ring-Phal3OuterOut
- L4Ring-Phal3UnderOut
- L4Ring-Phal3UpperOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1ChainOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1FiligreeOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1InnerOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1OuterOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1UnderOut
- L5Pinky-Phal1UpperOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2ChainOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2FiligreeOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2InnerOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2OuterOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2UnderOut
- L5Pinky-Phal2UpperOut
- L5Pinky-Phal3FiligreeOut
- L5Pinky-Phal3InnerOut
- L5Pinky-Phal3OuterOut
- L5Pinky-Phal3UnderOut
- L5Pinky-Phal3UpperOut
- R Hand - Claws Longer
- R1Thumb-ChainOut
- R1Thumb-Phal1FiligreeOut
- R1Thumb-Phal1InnerOut
- R1Thumb-Phal1OuterOut
- R1Thumb-Phal1UnderOut
- R1Thumb-Phal1UpperOut
- R1Thumb-Phal2FiligreeOut
- R1Thumb-Phal2InnerOut
- R1Thumb-Phal2OuterOut
- R1Thumb-Phal2UnderOut
- R1Thumb-Phal2UpperOut
- R2Index-Phal1FiligreeOut
- R2Index-Phal1InnerOut
- R2Index-Phal1OuterOut
- R2Index-Phal1UnderOut
- R2Index-Phal1UpperOut
- R2Index-Phal2ChainOut
- R2Index-Phal2FiligreeOut
- R2Index-Phal2InnerOut
- R2Index-Phal2OuterOut
- R2Index-Phal2UnderOut
- R2Index-Phal2UpperOut
- R2Index-Phal3FiligreeOut
- R2Index-Phal3InnerOut
- R2Index-Phal3OuterOut
- R2Index-Phal3UnderOut
- R2Index-Phal3UpperOut
- R3Middle-Phal1ChainOut
- R3Middle-Phal1FiligreeOut
- R3Middle-Phal1InnerOut
- R3Middle-Phal1OuterOut
- R3Middle-Phal1UnderOut
- R3Middle-Phal2ChainOut
- R3Middle-Phal2FiligreeOut
- R3Middle-Phal2InnerOut
- R3Middle-Phal2OuterOut
- R3Middle-Phal2UnderOut
- R3Middle-Phal2UpperOut
- R3Middle-Phal3FiligreeOut
- R3Middle-Phal3InnerOut
- R3Middle-Phal3OuterOut
- R3Middle-Phal3UnderOut
- R3Middle-Phal3UpperOut
- R4Ring-Phal1ChainOut
- R4Ring-Phal1FiligreeOut
- R4Ring-Phal1InnerOut
- R4Ring-Phal1OuterOut
- R4Ring-Phal1UnderOut
- R4Ring-Phal1UpperOut
- R4Ring-Phal2ChainOut
- R4Ring-Phal2FiligreeOut
- R4Ring-Phal2InnerOut
- R4Ring-Phal2OuterOut
- R4Ring-Phal2UnderOut
- R4Ring-Phal2UpperOut
- R4Ring-Phal3FiligreeOut
- R4Ring-Phal3InnerOut
- R4Ring-Phal3OuterOut
- R4Ring-Phal3UnderOut
- R4Ring-Phal3UpperOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1ChainOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1FiligreeOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1InnerOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1OuterOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1UnderOut
- R5Pinky-Phal1UpperOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2ChainOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2FiligreeOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2InnerOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2OuterOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2UnderOut
- R5Pinky-Phal2UpperOut
- R5Pinky-Phal3FiligreeOut
- R5Pinky-Phal3InnerOut
- R5Pinky-Phal3OuterOut
- R5Pinky-Phal3UnderOut
- R5Pinky-Phal3UpperOut
- Serpent's Eye Scepter - Left and Right Hand
- Shrink Pupil
- Supported Shapes:
- Aiko 8
- Girl 8
- Stephanie 8
- Tasha 8
- Sydney 8
- Zelara 8
- Mei Lin 8
- Monique 8
- Latonya 8
- Mabel 8
- Victoria 8
- Penny 8
- Mika 8
- Alexandra 8
- Charlotte 8
- Eva 8
- Gia 8
- Olympia 8
- Edie 8
- Bodybuilder Size
- Body Size
- Emaciated
- Fitness Size
- Pear Figure
- Thin
- Voluptuous
- Breasts Size
- Breasts Implant
- Breasts Natural
- Thighs Size
- Waist Width
- Some Shapes supported in Daz Studio by Auto-follow
- Material Options:
- Full Outfit H.Mats:
- Acrimonia
- Aphrodisia
- Avaricia
- Ignavia
- Narcissa
- Ravenna
- Zelina
- Partial MATS
- Acrimonia, Avaricia, Aphrodisia, Zelina, Narcissa, Ignavia, Ravenna
- Bodysuit
- Cape
- Claws
- Shoes
- Skirt
- Empire Skirt
- Sleeves
- Serpent's Eye Scepter MATS
- Acrimonia - Magic Orb
- Acrimonia - Snake Eye
- Aphrodisia - Magic Orb
- Aphrodisia - Snake Eye
- Avaricia - Magic Orb
- Avaricia - Snake Eye
- Ignavia - Magic Orb
- Ignavia - Snake Eye
- Narcissa - Magic Orb
- Narcissa - Snake Eye
- Ravenna - Magic Orb
- Ravenna - Snake Eye
- Zelina - Magic Orb
- Zelina - Snake Eye
- Utility MATS:
- Bodysuit:
- MM Bodysuit - Back Tie Off
- MM Bodysuit - Beads Off
- MM Bodysuit - Waist Mesh Off
- Cape:
- MM Cape - Cloths All Off
- MM Cape - Collar Off All
- MM Cape - Collar Off Partial
- MM Cape - Gems Round Off
- MM Cape - Gems Square Off
- MM Cape - Rods Off
- Claws:
- MM Claws - Chain Off
- MM Claws - Filigree Off
- MM Claws - Finger L Index Only
- MM Claws - Finger R Index Only
- MM Claws - Nails Off
- Shoes:
- MM Shoes - Beads Off
- Skirt:
- MM Skirt - All Cloths Off
- MM Skirt - Cloth Back Mid Off
- MM Skirt - Cloth Back Side Off
- MM Skirt - Cloth Front Mid Off
- MM Skirt - Cloth Front Side Off
- MM Skirt - Cloth Side Off
- MM Skirt - Gems Off
- Empire Skirt:
- MM Empire Skirt - All Cloths Off
- MM Empire Skirt - Back Cloths Off
- MM Empire Skirt - Front Cloths Off
- MM Empire Skirt - Gems Off
- Sleeves:
- MM Sleeves - Arm Mesh Off
- MM Sleeves - Beads Off
- MM Sleeves - Gems Off
- MM Sleeves - Sleeve Bell Off
- MM Sleeves - Sleeve Tight Off
- Scepter:
- MM Snake Scepter - Big Eye Off
- MM Snake Scepter - SFX All Off
- MM Snake Scepter - SFX Blade Off
- MM Snake Scepter - SFX Blast Off
- MM Snake Scepter - SFX Corona Off
- MM Snake Scepter - SFX Shaft Off
- Poses:
- 10 General Poses
- 10 Scepter Poses
- Control Pose - Zero All
- High Heeled Foot Pose
- Scepter Hand Grip Left and Right
- Poses control Clothing and Scepter as well as Genesis
- User Guide (.PDF)
- Textures Include:
- 160 Texture, Bump, Discplacement, Specular and Transparency Maps (2048 x 2048)
- Texture Templates available through the Product Library
- Daz Studio Iray Material Presets
- Daz Studio 3Delight Material Presets
- This product includes:
- 1 DSON Core Installer
- Additional Products used in Promo Images:
- Spider Webs
- Mirror
- Aramonk
- Atrium Fallen
- Outfit for Genesis 2 Male(s)
- Hidden Chamber
- Liquor for Lady Darkness Hair
- Bones Legacy Bundle with Iray Updates
- Vampire for Genesis 3 Female(s)
- Monster Spider HD
- Sanctuary
- Lorelle Gown
- Lorelle Gown Texture Expansion
- Heart Of Darkness
- Steps To Erewhon
- Alcove Window
Download dForce Mistress Malefica Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) with Poses and Scepter Links:
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